Joining hackathons, supporting SME´s and Startups in the use of open data and promoting new activities… This is a busy week for EMBERS! We have integrated the second edition of Hackacity, a hackathon happening simultaneously in several cities across the world. The technological marathon that promotes the development of applications to improve the life in the city was a big success thanks to all the great participants and the organization´s support. Apps to improve the city´s mobility system, to fight violence and to promote healthy ways of life were some of the results of this year’s edition. Ubiwhere team, leading EMBERS technical area, gave an active and essential support to all the participants allowing an efficient use of the data. According to Filipe Araújo, councillor for Innovation and Environment of the city of Porto, “Hackacity reinforces the role of the cities as living labs and the importance of collaboration between the several stakeholders to co-create opportunities for those who live or work in the city or the experience of the ones who visit it.” But EMBERS aims at going further in this approach, and it’s already preparing the next activities. During the Metropolitan solution, the team will be promoting the next Startups and SMES meeting, happening in Berlin at Fraunhofer Fokus, in July. These are the first steps towards the big Open Call happening in 2018. Keep tuned and follow EMBERS next activities.